
How you go from just surviving in your career, to thriving, with purpose and passion

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Become the true leader you would like to be, and enjoy a successful and purposeful career

Your fit with anything — a person, a neighborhood, a pair of jeans — is what makes that thing yours. Fit is what makes it worth having. Your fit to a job is no different. Is it the right fit?
The right job fit is as important as the right skill match. Harvard research has shown fit to be even more important to performance than skill in certain industries.  Berkley researchers identified a bad job fit as one of the primary drivers of employee burnout.  Gallup has found that one of the top reasons people leave a job is to find a better fit, where they have the chance to do what they do best.  

Many people talk about finding their passion. Some lucky ones find it early in life, but for many of us, while we are interested in some things and not interested in others, we don’t have a clear passion. So what do we do? How do we find the right fit if we haven’t found our passion? 

The answer: purpose + strengths.

A fulfilling career is one where you take work personally. The more personal your work feels, the more energy you’ll have and give, and the more likely you’ll be an engaged, top-performer. The more meaningful your work is to you, the more congruent it will be with the rest of your life. It can be hard to discover the things you take personally, so ask yourself: What gives you energy? What frustrates you? Whom do you want to prove wrong? Whom do you want to make proud? What makes you cry? What keeps your attention when others tune out? Things that are personal evoke an emotional response — good or bad.

We guide you to CLARITY – find your Strengths, explore what you really want and identify what roadblocks are holding you back

We help you to CREATE – establish clear goals and actions required to move you forward and make lasting progress

We support you through CHANGE – work on how to manage your thoughts, emotions, and actions to get the results you want